Hi everyone!
NBTA MISSOURI STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS in conjunction with a OPEN CONTEST & NEW ELITE TWIRLING CLINIC: Who wants to come to St. Louis for the NBTA Missouri State Twirling Competition, Miss Springtime Open Competition & Elite Clinic on March 30th & 31st!? We always have a great Judges Panel lined up from all across the country who actively Judge at AYOP! We would love to see a lot of you there! Please share and spread the word. Contact saintlouisperformanceacademy@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns. Entry & Clinic form can be found on our website: https://www.saintlouisperformanceacademy.com/nbta-missouri-state
Please share!! Also- follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for active updates! Links can be found on our website! With Twirling Love, Saint Louis Performance Academy
saintlouisperformanceacademy@gmail.com 314-973-5000 (Emily's cell)